Turkish Machinery attended to, one of the important fairs of metal working, welding and production technologies; Fabtech Chicago Fair (9-12 November, 2015) in Chicago for the first time with a 37 m2 stand. While visitors have been informed about Turkish Machinery sector, flyers which include the booth numbers and production details of 22 Turkish Companies at Fabtech Chicago distributed. Board Members of Turkish Machinery, Mr. Menderes Akar and Mr. Hüseyin Durmaz attended to the fair. Consul General of Turkey in Chicago Mr.Umut Acar and Commercial Counceller of Boston Mr. Alperen Kaçar also visited Turkish Machinery booth.
To enhance Turkish Machinery sector’s image, “Turkish Machinery” advertisements were given in fair ground, show directory and the most important magazine; Fabricator.
To enhance Turkish Machinery sector’s image, “Turkish Machinery” advertisements were given in fair ground, show directory and the most important magazine; Fabricator.